Sam Debruyn

Cloud Data Solution Architect

Specialized in Microsoft Azure, Fabric & modern data stack. Microsoft Data Platform MVP. dbt Community Award. Public speaker & meetup organizer. OSS contributor.

Sam Debruyn

Building & deploying Azure self-service data platforms for healthcare

📍 AZUG, dataroots, Leuven, Belgium

I hosted this session of AZUG on Kubernetes and data platforms on Azure at the dataroots office in Leuven and gave a presentation.

Event details

Building & deploying Azure self-service data platforms for healthcare

Speakers: Sam Debruyn & Wout Olyslagers

Using a combination of Azure managed services, a lot of Azure DevOps and Terraform, LynxCare can provide ready-to-go data platforms on Azure to its customers. We are able to onboard a new hospital and provide them access to their own isolated data platform in a matter of minutes, where they can perform data analysis on healthcare data in a standardized and privacy-preserving way.

In this talk we’ll demonstrate some of the building blocks of the platform, but more importantly how we build & deploy this reusable platform. We’ll cover the benefits of using Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD pipelines for everything. We’ll focus on the infrastructure and setup, how it brings value to our customers, and peace of mind to our team. We will discuss next steps and lessons learned. Peace of mind for dev and infra team?