Sam Debruyn

Freelance Data & Cloud Architect

Specialized in Microsoft Azure, Fabric & modern data stack. Microsoft Data Platform MVP. dbt Community Award. Public speaker & meetup organizer. OSS contributor.

Sam Debruyn

Blog posts

All Microsoft Fabric icons for diagramming

3 minutes
All Microsoft Fabric icons for diagramming

I just took the new Fabric DP-700 Data Engineering Exam: here's what you should know

4 minutes
I just took the new Fabric DP-700 Data Engineering Exam: here's what you should know

Connecting Neon with dbt Cloud

4 minutes
Connecting Neon with dbt Cloud

Fabric: Lakehouse or Data Warehouse?

5 minutes
Fabric: Lakehouse or Data Warehouse?

Is Microsoft Fabric just a rebranding?

10 minutes
Is Microsoft Fabric just a rebranding?

My take-aways from Big Data London: Delta Lake & the open lakehouses

6 minutes
My take-aways from Big Data London: Delta Lake & the open lakehouses

Fabric end-to-end use case: Analytics Engineering part 2 - Reports

9 minutes
Fabric end-to-end use case: Analytics Engineering part 2 - Reports

Fabric end-to-end use case: Analytics Engineering part 1 - dbt with the Lakehouse

26 minutes
Fabric end-to-end use case: Analytics Engineering part 1 - dbt with the Lakehouse

Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 2 - Pipelines

9 minutes
Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 2 - Pipelines

Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 1 - Spark and Pandas in Notebooks

13 minutes
Fabric end-to-end use case: Data Engineering part 1 - Spark and Pandas in Notebooks

Fabric end-to-end use case: overview & architecture

6 minutes
Fabric end-to-end use case: overview & architecture

Let Fabric teach you how to code with Data Wrangler

6 minutes
Let Fabric teach you how to code with Data Wrangler

How to use service principal authentication to access Microsoft Fabric's OneLake

4 minutes
How to use service principal authentication to access Microsoft Fabric's OneLake

A closer look at Microsoft Fabric pricing, billing, and autoscaling

11 minutes
A closer look at Microsoft Fabric pricing, billing, and autoscaling

Migrating Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL to Microsoft Fabric

11 minutes
Migrating Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL to Microsoft Fabric

Connect to Fabric Lakehouses & Warehouses from Python code

4 minutes
Connect to Fabric Lakehouses & Warehouses from Python code

Preparing a migration to Microsoft Fabric: from Azure Synapse Serverless SQL

5 minutes
Preparing a migration to Microsoft Fabric: from Azure Synapse Serverless SQL

Microsoft Fabric's Auto Discovery: a closer look

5 minutes
Microsoft Fabric's Auto Discovery: a closer look

Exploring OneLake with Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

5 minutes
Exploring OneLake with Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer

Welcome to the 3rd generation: SQL in Microsoft Fabric

10 minutes
Welcome to the 3rd generation: SQL in Microsoft Fabric

Filling the gaps in your code with the Terraform azapi provider for Azure

11 minutes
Filling the gaps in your code with the Terraform azapi provider for Azure

Some interesting takeaways from this year's Techorama

6 minutes
Some interesting takeaways from this year's Techorama

Setting up your machine for local Terraform provider development

2 minutes

Installing the Azure Event Hubs Python SDK on Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit

3 minutes

Debugging a Terraform provider

3 minutes

Easy localization in Flutter with continuous integration

8 minutes
Easy localization in Flutter with continuous integration

Create App Previews with the iOS Simulator

2 minutes

Tips for developing Android JobScheduler Jobs

5 minutes

Optimize memory usage in Xamarin apps

10 minutes

A few common issues with .csproj files in Xamarin apps

4 minutes

Diagnosing memory issues with the Xamarin profiler

5 minutes

Creating a Xamarin.iOS binding project for dummies

12 minutes

Fix common binding errors with MVVM Light on Xamarin

3 minutes

Setting up a Raspberry Pi as a git server for Windows clients

5 minutes

Dependency injection with Autofac and MVVM Light in Xamarin

5 minutes

Run Docker on Hyper-V with Docker Machine

3 minutes

How to fix common Hyper-V errors on Windows 10

1 minutes

Docker image for Hugo builds (with Wercker)

2 minutes

Experiences with Windows 10 on a new Dell XPS 13 (2015)

9 minutes
Experiences with Windows 10 on a new Dell XPS 13 (2015)

Wercker step to minify static resources

1 minutes

Wercker step to validate Hugo themes

1 minutes

Continuous integration with Hugo and Wercker

3 minutes

Material-lite theme for Hugo

1 minutes

An introduction to Hugo, a static site generator

2 minutes

Geocoding addresses in Talend Open Studio for Data Integration

2 minutes

Natively boot Windows with a virtual HDD

2 minutes

Queue for MessageDialog in Windows RT

1 minutes

Workaround for password confirmation with Laravel & Ardent

1 minutes

Using markdown to create any kind of document

2 minutes

Secure SSH access with 2-step authentication (extended)

2 minutes

Wake up your computer(s) with a simple email using a Raspberry Pi

4 minutes

Connecting Serviio with Telenet's Yelo TV

2 minutes