Sam Debruyn

Data & Cloud Architect

Specialized in Microsoft Azure, Fabric & modern data stack. Microsoft Data Platform MVP. dbt Community Award. Public speaker & meetup organizer. OSS contributor.

Sam Debruyn

Continuous integration with Hugo and Wercker

3 minutes


Who doesn’t love GitHub Pages ? It’s the easiest way to create a simple website about a repository and you can even use Jekyll to start blogging.

As I recently switched from Jekyll to Hugo , I needed a new way to enable continuous integration for my blog.

New to CI?

Continuous integration, or CI, means that your code is automatically built, tested and/or deployed after each push. Every time you push some commits to a remote repository, the code in that repository is being built.

I usually have a branch called develop to which I push fresh code. Then a CI tool checks if that code builds properly and if it does, I merge it to my master branch. It’s a lot like Git Flow .

What about Hugo and GitHub Pages?

You could setup a CI tool to build your code after every push on every branch and deploy it to GitHub Pages after a successful build on your stable/master branch.

In comes Wercker

I used to use Travis for all my CI needs, but then I came across Wercker in the Hugo docs .

Wercker simplifies CI a lot and relies on Docker for its build environments. It also allows you to deploy your builds to different environments (e.g. production, staging, testing…) Hugo has a guide about how to set it up, but it’s a little bit outdated. I might just send a pull request with an update in a few days. Wercker also has a lot of documentation. So with the examples below, you should be able to easily walk through the setup.

Setting it up

  1. Create a new Wercker app based on the repository containing your Hugo source code and give Wercker access rights. You can leave everything else on the default settings. If you’d like a badge showing your build status, make sure your app is public.
  2. Next, edit your app settings and create a custom deploy target including a protected environment variable called GIT_TOKEN.
  3. Finally, add a file called wercker.yml to your repository with the code below. Change it to fit your needs.
 1box: debian
 3	steps:
 4	- script:
 5		name: install git
 6		code: |
 7			apt-get update && apt-get install git -y
 8	- script:
 9		name: initialize git submodules
10		code: |
11			git submodule update --init --recursive
12	- arjen/hugo-build:
13		version: "0.14"
14		theme: crisp
16	steps:
17	- script:
18		name: install git
19		code: |
20			apt-get update && apt-get install git -y
21	- leipert/git-push:
22		gh_oauth: $GIT_TOKEN
23		basedir: public
24		clean_removed_files: true
25		branch: master
26		repo: sdebruyn/
27		gh_pages_domain:

Obviously, you have to change the following variables:

Push a commit with that file and Wercker should happily start building and deploying your code!

A few examples

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