Docker image for Hugo builds (with Wercker)
This blog is built with Hugo , which allows me to use some great CI tools like Wercker . The first part of writing a wercker.yml is picking a build container. A build container on Wercker is the environment in which your build or deploy steps run. Wercker used to build its own containers for that, but they’ve moved away from that approach to Docker containers.
Wercker step to validate Hugo themes
So last week, I created a material design theme for Hugo , a static site generator that I’m quite fond of](/tags/hugo/). As I discovered Wercker , an awesome CI tool, I went looking for a way to automatically validate themes. There wasn’t any, so I simply wrote a build step for Wercker .
Continuous integration with Hugo and Wercker
Why? Who doesn’t love GitHub Pages ? It’s the easiest way to create a simple website about a repository and you can even use Jekyll to start blogging. As I recently switched from Jekyll to Hugo , I needed a new way to enable continuous integration for my blog. New to CI?
Material-lite theme for Hugo
Last week, I wrote a post about how awesome Hugo is and why I switched from Jekyll to Hugo. Then, a few days later, Google released an awesome template called Material Design Lite . It’s basically Google’s famous Material Design in HTML, CSS and JavaScript instead of in Polymer .
An introduction to Hugo, a static site generator
A good blogging platform What makes a good blogging platform really good? Well, that depends on the blogger. Programmers would need different features than make-up bloggers. As a programmer, I need to be able to easily integrate pieces of code with syntax highlighting in my posts and I’d prefer writing them in my favourite text/code editor instead of in a WYSIWYG editor.