Sam Debruyn

Data & Cloud Architect

Specialized in Microsoft Azure, Fabric & modern data stack. Microsoft Data Platform MVP. dbt Community Award. Public speaker & meetup organizer. OSS contributor.

Sam Debruyn

Wercker step to validate Hugo themes

1 minutes

So last week, I created a material design theme for Hugo , a static site generator that I’m quite fond of](/tags/hugo/).

As I discovered Wercker , an awesome CI tool, I went looking for a way to automatically validate themes.

There wasn’t any, so I simply wrote a build step for Wercker . The build step validates a Hugo theme using an example site . It also checks if you included some files required for a future Hugo themes site.

The code for the build step is available at and an example wercker.yml configuration is included below.

1box: debian
3	steps:
4	- samueldebruyn/hugo-theme-check:
5		version: "0.14"
6		theme: material-lite

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